
red dragonfly on reed stalk

While we sit on the edge of the dam waiting for the duckling action to pick up, the dragonflies dart from one reed to the next.  They are actually pretty easy to photograph, sitting still for a minute or so before flying off.

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mascovy duckling head shot

As promised, here are the photos of the KGE ducklings just after they hatched.  As I said, their parents were one of the resident’s pets, so they are very tame, as are the ducklings.  Great for getting closeups.

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Zebie, the latest member of the KGE wildlife clan

baby zebra calf yawning

Introducing Zebie.  On the golf course we have impala, sable, oribi, puku and of course zebra.  The zebras are by far the most tame, and even though Zebie was only a few days old when I took these photos, his mother allowed me to get so close that I was starting to feel uneasy.  If you’ve seen the NatGeo Wild ad where the one zebra kicks the other in the teeth, well then you’ve got an idea of the pictures going through my mind during many of these shots.

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